Senator Jill Tokuda Video
Senator Jill Tokuda will review this past legislative session. As chair of the powerful Senate Ways and Means Committee she helped passed many important legislation that will affect the local economy and life in Hawaii in general.
This will be a great forum to ask her questions. On the flip side, please educate her on your business issues and how bills affect your bottom line. If laws hurt your business, be prepared to explain how laws should be changed or eliminated to help businesses. Although Legislators do their utmost to make the best decisions, often their efforts hurt businesses because they don’t have the frame of reference since owners do not go down to the Capitol to explain the pros and cons of the issues. Legislators want to help the public but people need to speak up and make their concerns known.
This is your opportunity to interact with the chair of the powerful Ways and Means Committee.
Because WUB Hawaii is a member of the Hawaii Chamber of Commerce, the 2015 COCH Legislative Report is provided here. In the report you will learn about specific legislative items that you can bring up for discussion with the Senator.
Senator Jill Tokuda – Hawaii Legislature Website
Jill Tokuda – Personal Website – Background
Video: Ask Your Senator (2013)
“Palace Intrigue” (mentions Tokuda faction) Civil Beat
“Hawaii Legislature Passes $26B Budget” Civil Beat
Agenda: Senator Jill Tokuda will review this past legislative session. Q&A to follow.
Date: 6-8:30 pm June 11, 2015 Thursday
New Location!
Vineyard Zippy’s — 59 N. Vineyard Boulevard 532-4211
Parking is in the Zippy’s lot and only in the Queens Medical Center lot. No parking at Hosoi.