NEW LOCATION! One Ala Moana Condo

Cabana – One Ala Moana
Address One Ala Moana Condo Location Cabana #1
Date Wednesday 26 April 2017 Time 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Parking Park at Ala Moana Shopping Center 4th floor at the old Nordstrom’s garage. take elevator down to 1st floor, walk over to One Ala Moana, and check in with guard.
Costs $20 for members and guests, $10 for Akisamiyo! members
Agenda Steve Sombrero and Roy Irei will present plans for the upcoming WUB conference which will celebrate WUB Network’s 20th anniversary. We need a good turnout by members to ensure a high quality, exciting conference for our fellow WUB members coming in from Okinawa, Japan, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, and other parts of the globe.

Map of Okinawan Diaspora Source