Uchinanchu Talk Story VI “U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa — Three Years Later” was held on 24 July 2016 at the East-West Center. It was sponsored by World Uchinanchu Business – Hawaii chapter, the East-West Center, and the Okinawan student group Akisamiyo-! Leading authorities from various sides presented their views on the U.S. military presence in Okinawa and members of the local Uchinanchu community discussed among themselves the issue of U.S. bases in Okinawa.

WUB Hawaii president, John Toguchi, giving the welcome message. Panelist Yukie Yoshikawa to the left.

East-Center President Charles Morrison presented with a memorial paddle by WUB president, John Toguchi. WUB Hawaii advisors, Bob Nakasone and John Tasato, looking on.